Busy Busy Busy!

 We’ve had a very busy few weeks since I last posted. 

A family get together for a 65th wedding anniversary, our 40th wedding anniversary and DD & I’s birthdays. It’s been lovely to catch up with extended family, some we hadn’t seen since before Covid. I also had the Share the Dignity collections and drop offs to do which are all completed now.

DH and I have also been very busy at home with lots of decluttering going on, and trips to the op shop and the tip each week.  We have also replaced all the blinds on the windows at the front of the house and down one side. I was able to get the double blinds at 40% off at Spotlight which was a good saving. They didn’t have enough in stock to do the whole house so I will get more when they are on sale again. We also bought a new lounge which is SO comfortable to nap on!

When I last posted my plan had been to get ready to do Bonnies Mystery Quilt, but I  got sidetracked by deciding to cut down years of scraps while waiting for the first clue to come out. Well I was enjoying cutting them so much – its quite relaxing -and I have way more scraps than I ever realised, so I decided to skip the mystery this year and cut all scraps instead. I’m hoping to get them all done before the end of the year.  In between scraps and decluttering I have been making my 5″ scraps into lap quilt tops
to donate. 

Today we are putting up our Christmas decorations and next week we will visit DS for a few days to help organise a bathroom and kitchen renovation for his unit. 

It feels good to have the time and energy to get so much done.

I’m still having difficulties commenting, but now have a few ideas so will try and sort that out this week.

Blue scrappy flimsy finished. Share the Dignity drive.

I’m determined to chip away at the scrap stash after my recent clean up in the sewing room.  I finished this quilt top this morning made of blue 5″ squares. I also used up a light blue scrap to break up the rows as without that it was just too busy and a little small. I’m pleased with the way it turned out and I’ve added it to the ‘waiting to be quilted pile. 

It will be a donation quilt when finished as there is going to be a real need for quilts following all these flooding events we’ve been having. I was able to buy $440 worth of quilt batting for only $80 with my $40 spotlight vouchers – I was sent four this time so I will use the others up in the next few days. I’ve got plenty of batting now in my stockpile!

On Wednesday night there was a request for linen & other items to be donated to flooded residents in Eugowra where houses where literally just washed away on Monday. So I cleaned out the linen cupboard of sheets, one quilt and some blankets. I also had my box of extras (pads, tampons, toiletries) for topping up Share the Dignity bags so I sent those off as well. 

Share the Dignity collections start today and run to the 27th November at every Bunnings store. You can drop off a handbag backpack filled with items (list is here) or you can donate toiletries, pads or bags as well and they will get made up for donation.  The bags are given to women & girls in need.

This year I made three Mum & Bub bags and three teen bags. I made a crotchet rug and a bunny rug for each of the Mum & Bub bags.

In the US & Canada there is are similar charities:  One Purse,  My Change Purses, Lend a Hand.

I kept on with the decluttering in the spare room ( junk room!) and this morning we made a trip to the op shop and then a trip to the dump. I have so much more space! Still lots to do but we’re making progress. Today I want to get my fabrics chosen ready for the start of Bonnies Mystery Quilt tomorrow and cut down some scraps from my current scrap bin.

Blogger comments problem! Is anyone else having difficulty commenting on blogs including replying on your own blog? At the moment I can’t comment on this blog and on most of the other blogs – any advice?  

RSc- Blue & 3 months of retirement!

 It three months since I retired and I certainly feel better, sleep better and feel more content than I can ever remember feeling feeling before.  

The last three months I’ve really just done whatever I felt like each day. Most days that’s some sewing, or watching a TV series, going for a walk and doing a bit of decluttering.  What I love most is that there are no deadlines to meet and no morning rush to get things done before leaving the house – my time is my own!

DH retires at the end of next week and we have a small trip away planned in a few weeks and a longer holiday to Tasmania planned for November to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary as we visited Tassie for our honeymoon, so we’re going to have some fun and revisit the places again. I’m really looking forward to it!

I am feeling like I want to have a bit more routine, which will be easier to plan once DH has left work. I also might go back to some sort of monthly goals as keeping monthly progress reports over the last five years really helped me to keep on track. Now I’d just be tracking different things like renovations, gardening and sewing projects.

 I’ve done my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for June in blue:

I also had these blue four patches,

so sewed them together into a centre square and put a dark blue border


I cut more 4″ squares from some pale blue scraps and some striped fabric and after joining them cut it diagonally to give me four triangles

I joined the triangles to the centre square, then added two more borders to brighten it up and get it to the right size for a donation quilt

So thats one more top finished, added to the ‘to be quilted’ pile.I think I’ll use dark blue binding.  I really enjoy playing with scraps and making up blocks or tops without a pattern.  

Well, its a beautiful winters day here with the sun out and a perfect blue sky. I’m off to have a walk and then I need to do some decluttering in my sewing room and sort out my sewing projects. 

Linking up to SoScrappy and Quilting is more fun than housework.