Oh thank goodness its Friday! The last week has been a bit of a sleepy blur here. I’ve had a virus and basically just slept and slept I went back to work yesterday and slept 13 hours last night! Just so fatigued and no energy at all but otherwise I feel well now.

Tests for Covid were negative but the symptoms were all there except the cough so it was either a mild case or just another viral illness doing the rounds at the start of the school year. 

So I’ve done no sewing at all and I’m hoping to get back into it and get caught up this weekend. 

Only six weeks to go until retirement! 

Sewing Room Declutter

I’ve been happily sorting my sewing room since Christmas. It was a real mess with stuff piled up everywhere and a little path through the middle. I emptied the whole room out so I could clean it and then have been decluttering & sorting before I put things back in. 

I re-organised the shelves and storage and I love it! Now it’s finally easy to see and find what I need. Heres a few pics:

Those fabric boxes are all full of wool & crotchet projects.

The drawers have 5″ squares & orphan blocks in them. Fat quarters are on the very top and the shelves have projects and large scraps in them.

I like to sew at the kitchen table so I bought a little trolly that fits perfectly behind the door. Then I can quickly pack up my sewing when I need the table for dinner and roll it out again afterwards so thats reduced the amount of sewing ‘mess’ that used to sit about the dining room.

I also started Rhododendron Trail – Bonnies annual mystery quilt. I’ve got clue #1 done:

I’ve also been working on parts of other clues. My goal is to enjoy my sewing & not push myself to meet deadlines anymore so I’m just sewing along at my own pace. Heres where I’m up to this morning:

I’m about half way through decluttering the room and I’ve been watching the sewing room Declutter Challenge videos to keep me motivated.

I’ve found sewing & decluttering to be a really good distraction at the moment as the covid news here isn’t good so I’m escaping into my sewing. Omicron is spreading rapidly, it’s difficult to  access a test and the health system is struggling. We have shortages of  meat & chicken and over half my grocery order was unavailable this week, mostly fresh veggies & fruit. One of my friends is sick with Covid at the moment. We had done a good job in Australia the last two years but it’s well and truly here now. So I’m keeping busy and we’re staying home. I’m glad we keep a well stocked pantry and a full freezer.

I also sorted out my unfinished projects and have made a list which I’ve created a page for.  I am so grateful I will now finally have the time to sit and sew each day. Are you having a January declutter?

Sharing the Dignity – Its in the Bag!

 For the last few years I’ve made up bags for the It’s in the Bag collection each November for Share the Dignity, a charity that supplies feminine hygiene products to women domestic violence and homelessness charities. Each bag has basic hygiene products, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, deodorant, pads, tampons and optional gifts as well.  There are teen bags and mother& baby bags also.  Its a great charity and I had thought I might volunteer for it when I retired.

Well this year I thought why wait till I retire? Stop putting everything off till later and start doing some of those things right now. So I signed up to help collect the bags, check them and deliver them to the charities.

I’m so glad that I did! 

Its been a wonderful week seeing the generosity of women helping women. The care and attention that has gone into these bags, the beautiful notes written, the hard work of the volunteers – faith in humanity restored!  

Right now I have my bags all sorted and ready to go to my charity, possibly later this week. Its been a busy, but very enjoyable week and I’m looking forward to the next event in April.

I made up three teen bags and one womens bag this year. I’ve decided next year I’m going to focus on mother & baby & teen bags as there is a real need for those. Heres my teen bags before packing getting some love from the cat.

DD and I both celebrated our birthdays this last week. We both had the day off work and went out for lunch. Its the first time since March that we have been anywhere other than work of grocery shopping and it felt wonderfully normal to be out having a meal!   The cafes & restaurants are still limited in how many people they can have inside so it was about half the usual number of seats but they have been allowed to put some tables outside so its good to see local businesses back in action.

Time for me to go to work, only two weeks left until holidays!