Summer in the Country blocks

I’ve been working on my Summer in the Country quilt blocks over the last week. I’m really happy with how the blocks are looking, its a lovely pattern to work on.  Here’s the new three completed blocks and I have four more cut out to sew up over the coming few days.

Picnic Star – a definite favourite – this would be a great block to do a whole quilt top with.

and Firefly

I had to call into work briefly this morning to drop something off and I really noticed how rushed everyone was and so busy. I felt a bit out of place really. Made me realise how much I’ve slowed down and moved on from it.

DH and I have been enjoying sitting out on the verandah having coffee at morning tea time, just relaxing and talking. I’ve decided that we’ll make sprucing up the verandah our first project now that we have time to sit out there during the day. It needs a good clean up, some new chairs and pot plants and some pressure cleaning to get rid of the spiderwebs and clean the old concrete. We have a lot of work to do on our house and garden but we’re just going to take our time, not try and get it all done fast and wear ourselves out. 

Well, time for me to enjoy a bit more sewing before dinner – I have so many projects I want to work on and the list keeps growing. 

Linking up with Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese.

Home again & RSC – Purple scraps

 We arrived back home yesterday morning from our trip. It was great to get away but its always nice to get back home again. 

 This month is purple for RSC and I had a lot of purple scraps. I had made some of my RSC Carolina Chain blocks for the month before I went away so yesterday I finished them up.

Then I made some two inch strips with the remaining purple scraps which I can make into 4 patches later.

Heres a few more pics from our holiday. We spent a lovely day in the Warrumbungles National Park. Stunning views, very peaceful and quiet. Lots of birds and lots of kangaroos about enjoying the sunshine.

We also visited Milroy Observatory in Coonabarbran and had a great night looking at the stars under the full moon after a stunning sunset.

I love the purple skies at sunset

Then the moon rose as the purple sky went to black.

… and this was a close up of the moon through the telescope

 I love being in the bush in Australia. Can’t wait to go up here again next year. Now its time to get on with more decluttering and making a start on some of the jobs around the house 

Linking up to SoScrappy,  Oh Scrap & Monday Making


Goondiwindi is just over an hours drive from Moree and just over the border in Queensland. Yesterday we decided to drive there for lunch and a look around & again we were treated to some beautiful views along the way.


The cotton fields are in various stages of growing through to harvested. Some were brown and bare, some were white and others green but all looked impressive with the cloudy blue sky overhead.



We had a nice lunch at a little cafe and a walk around town. Then we went down to the river for walk. Its a beautiful place, with huge trees on the riverbanks, and lots of birds – very peaceful.


Along the walk we came across this beautifully decorated public toilet with all different kinds of Australian birds painted on all four sides of the building…
and some great sculptures of fish and birds…




Even though we only spent a few hours here, it was enough to know we’d like to come back this way next year and see more of the area.

It was another nice relaxing day and in the afternoon we headed back to Moree for another swim in the hot springs, followed by a  relaxed dinner with some more family we haven’t seen for quite a while.

It was so nice to just sit around and catch up on everyones news, nice to see everyone has come through the last few years OK, and talk about retirement plans as we are all similar age. Not being able to see family (apart from via zoom) due to covid, sure makes you appreciate seeing family again in the flesh!