September One Month Goal

 I have just seven blocks left to finish for the Summer in the Country quilt. They are all cut our ready to sew and my goal is to get these blocks completed by the end of September. So to help keep me accountable I’m joining One Month Goal at Elm St Quilts. 

Heres the blocks cut and ready to sew.

Here are the blocks I’ve completed so far on the design wall…

Individual blocks posts are here.

I’m so happy with how this quilt is looking so far! I may need to do a few extra and I want to set it on point with sashing in between the blocks, that might be next months goal.

Linking up to One Month Goal where there are all sorts of lovely  projects in the making.

OMG – Blue Ridge Beauty

I’m determined to spend more time doing the things I enjoy this year, and sewing would have to be at the top very of the my list of how I like to spend my time. My sewing room is full to the brim and theres quite a few WIPs (works in progress) and UFO’s (unfinished objects) waiting for my attention.

I’m joining up with Elm St Quilts One Month Challenge with a goal of finishing piecing the top of Blue Ridge Beauty, a Bonnie Hunter quilt from her book Adventures with Leaders & Enders.

I started this early last year but its been packed away for months now. So I unpacked it and heres what I’ve done so far.

I’ve got 190 x 4 patches pieced and trimmed, not even half the number I need!

I’ve got 270 untrimmed half square triangles, so a bit over half done.

I’ve been working on some batwraps and joey bags this morning. Hoping to get them done by Monday and then I can get to work on this quilt top.