August Progress Report

August seems to have gone in the blink of an eye!  We had reduced money to throw at the mortgage this month as the loans on our IPs are changing and I’ve started sending extra to them.


  • $142,369 down from $143,985
  • $17,789 redraw down from $18,825
  •  total mortgage reduction $1,616

Retirement Savings

  • mine $110,204
  • DH   $282,907
  • total  $393,111
  • total increase $8,060


  • $50 CC points
  • $53.22 savings
  • $103.22 savings

No exercise, too many carbs and coffees and too much stress this month have all taken a toll. I have put on weight and feel just exhausted. This is how I felt before I had my year off and really don’t like it. Thank heavens I am about to go on leave as I know my weight goes down when I’m away from the stress – so expect a big drop next month.

My extra job – wonderful! My regular job – Awful – too much of everything except time to do it all.  ’nuff said!

not much done at home this month. I did shred another lot of old client files that came due for destruction and we’ve been eating down the stockpile but thats all. Fortunately it will soon be spring and once we get back from our trip DH will have more time to work around the yard and house.

.Working for the man…

Its been a busy & stressful week or so since my last post. My workplace is just very chaotic at present, and everyone is stressed to the max with all the changes and rumours of changes and cuts to budgets and services. I simply cannot keep up with the amount of work coming my way and so there has been some conflict and last week. I just walked out a few hours early one day as I simply could not take it anymore. I knew if I stayed I’d say something I’d regret.  So I, and many of my colleagues are just in survival mode right now.

Yesterday I met with my manager and who assured me of their full support and confidence in my decisions and priorities. That does help a lot! After a week of hearing the rumour our jobs might go before Christmas my manager refuted this and is pretty confident my job will remain, but may change slightly.I try not and get caught up in the rumour mill but sometimes it hard. Another colleague was let go last week.

So I’ve been living on coffee and carbs – not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow! Not much happening her but working and sleeping.

More meals from the stockpile

We’re doing well with out stockpile eat down. Heres what we’ve been eating the last few days.

DD made Vegetable Tortilla Stew from  Chrissy Teigens ‘Cravings’ book (p 54). OMG this is fantastic! and is now going to be a regular meal for me – I loved it! The recipe includes:

olive oil
chopped onion
green capsicum
ground cumin
chicken stock
black pepper
2 cans tomatos
3 cans beans

So we used up five cans in one go. I ate this on toast, with corn chips and also put some in the freezer.

I’ve been having fruit smoothies to use up some of the fruit, almond milk and protein powder.

Then yesterday DH made a lovely stew with minced beef, onions, carrots and potato – delicious! 

In the next few days my plan is to make a big pot of soup and also cook with the almond flour. The shelves are gradually emptying!