A Frosty Monday Morning

We’ve woken up to big frosts and fogs the last few mornings. Really cold in the morning but beautiful sunny winters days by lunchtime with clear blue skies. Nice and warm in the sun, but freezing in the shade. 
I feel so much better this morning. On Friday I left work early and got a haircut which was a nice way to start unwinding for the weekend. I slept heaps and managed to clean the bedroom and bathroom. I made my homemade yoghurt and big batch of cauliflower rice.

I’ve missed not doing any sewing in the last six months so I spent some time sorting through fabrics and patterns. Its so relaxing! So I’m making a commitment to make sewing a priority from here on.

I also decided to renew my Ancestry membership for six months. I did a lot of family tree work a few years ago and I’m ready to get back into it. I did not know my history on my fathers side at all when I first started and I now have a few generations back, but still lots of gaps. I ended up staying up late last night going through hints and documents which was far better than worrying about work. So I decided it was money well spent to get back to the family tree.

Overall I feel a lot better than I did last week. Just need to keep work & life in better balance now.


Ok, I ended up staying home yesterday, just couldn’t cope with the thought of going to work. I ended up having to talk to a workclient in a bit of a crisis then I slept for the afternoon and I do feel a bit better this morning.

I need to take some steps to get in a better headspace so I’m setting myself some tasks to do this weekend:

  • make a batch of yoghurt
  • make chicken broth – 
  • start sewing The Splendid Sampler II – sorted out my fabrics
  • clean the bathroom
  • clear the kitchen table
  • sort through the outstanding paperwork  – started
  • clean the bedroom
Time for a reboot…

Hitting the wall…

June will go down as the month I hit the wall again. Six months back at work and I am absolutely exhausted. I have really struggled over the last two weeks. I work, I come home and fall asleep on the lounge. On the weekend I sleep and try and recover in time to go back on Monday morning.

The workload is huge and its high stress, traumatic work. I was almost in tears yesterday and am so grateful for good work colleagues – who are just as stressed but we all try and help whoevers finding it tough each day – yesterday it just happened to be me.

After work I went to my second job which I love and 2 hours later I felt renewed energised and restored. The extra work is just so good for my mental health as well as giving me some extra money.

But I have slipped back into eating poorly and not exercising. I need to try and get myself back on track this weekend somehow.

I did have some good news yesterday that one of the bullies at work is going to be taking a years leave – that will certainly make my working life a little better!

In the meantime I am trying to focus on my goals and just take it one day at a time, but it has been a reality check to see how toxic the workplace really is.

The good news is I got paid for my extra work and paid $1500 extra off the mortgage – another step closer!