Grocery Shopping

Well my DD had offered to take on the grocery shopping each week and I’m so relieved not to have to do it anymore!  The last few weeks I’ve just been so exhausted. I’ve spent every weekend catching up on sleep and too fatigued to do much at all. With DD doing the grocery shopping it will really help me manage the work demands, especially given that I also do the extra job two evenings a week.

So we needed to spend $50 again this week at Coles. Our shop this week was: Coles – $62.93  saved $8.82

We’ve eaten more out the freezer over the last week, crumbed chicken, frozen meals and also some tinned soups from the pantry. I thawed out some stewing steak overnight to make a crockpot meal today. Its really cold here, lots of snow about just outside of town, so a hot meal after work will be lovely to come home to.

a few roos loose in the top paddock….

I ended up leaving work early yesterday as I started getting signs of a migraine coming on after a really heavy meeting in the morning. As I was leaving I saw the family of kangaroos that lives in the paddock next door out enjoying the afternoon sunshine so I stopped and took a few pics as I drove past.

 They checked me out and then went back to eating.

It looks like theres quite a few young ones there as there were more to the right of the picture.

Growing up we had a pet kangaroo at my grandmas place. Grandma raised her after the mother was shot and they found the joey in the pouch. So I have a lot of happy memories of playing with  our pet kangaroo who was just a part of our childhood games along with the dogs and cats.

After this I went home and rested up, just put work out of mind and despite a bad headache and feeling very nauseas, it did not progress to a migraine.
So I’m just about to head off to work this morning – thank God its Friday!

Hit Another Mortgage Milestone & work stress

Our payments have gone through for the week and I’ve been able to transfer a nice big payment on to the mortgage. 

The new balance is $149,799 which takes us under the end of Year 12 balance on the amoratisation table.

I’m hoping to hit Year 13 balance fast with extra income from last month.

I needed a boost today and seeing that balance going down really helps. Work has been incredibly stressful this week – honestly if I could have quit on the spot yesterday I would have. I am just swamped at the moment and no let up in sight at all. When I got to work yesterday I actually rang and cancelled most of my clients so I could try and catch up. By the end of the day I was even further behind as new clients just keep coming. I’m just done with it. I spent last night thinking about leaving and going back to working for myself, but the reality is that financially I am better where I am if I can just stick it out.

At least I have our holiday to look forward to. The second half of the year should be a bit better I am hoping.

1660 days to go!