May Progress Report

Time for another progress report! We’re back to focusing on the mortgage payoff.  Our income is less now as my second job has finished. I still do the occasional consult but not having that extra income has definitely slowed down our savings and debt payoff rate. But its nice to work less and I was ready to stop so its all good.


  • current balance: $52,627
  • down from: $55,380
  • total reduction: $2,753
  • current balance: $629,559
  • up from: $616,801
  • total increase: $12,750

I had my first dose of Astrazenica after work last Friday.  I felt fine that evening, not even sore at the injection site. But mid-morning Saturday my whole arm started to ache, my joints hurt and I felt really tired. Fortunately, it only lasted a couple of days I feel back to normal now.

I’m hoping to catch up with a few friends in June and use up the last of my vouchers from the government on a meal and a movie. I’m also hoping to take some time off at the end of term so I’m counting down the days!

Back to Mortgage Payoff!

I’m ready to get back to smashing out this mortgage payoff! I had been going to wait until the end of next month to get back to it but a few things have happened in the last week that make me want to get the mortgage gone asap. 

I’m starting to hear about some of the changes that might be happening at work next year, changes I won’t really like much. I want to be in a position to go part-time and that will be much easier if the mortgage is gone. Two of my good friends at work have told me they are leaving at the end of the year. I will really miss them, we’ve worked together for about 15 years and my day will not be the same with them gone. 

It’s all motivation to keep on with my retirement plan and I won’t feel comfortable retiring with a mortgage. 

So it felt very good yesterday to make a nice big payment off the mortgage to bring the balance down to $52,890. My plan now is to just go all out on getting rid of it asap, to stop overthinking things, and Just Do It. I’ve still got 9 months left at this higher salary, very busy job and it would be great to end that being mortgage free.

Mortgage Milestone!

Even though we’ve slowed down on the extra mortgage payments temporarily, we’re still making steady progress towards its payoff. We’ve just hit another mortgage milestone with this weeks payment –  the end of Year 25! 

Our new mortgage balance is now $54,345. 

Our next milestone goal is $44,439.

I have to admit not much is happening here with me at the moment other than a lot of work! I was planning to go into the office today, first time ever on a weekend,  but will work at home instead for the morning to try and catch up a bit. Then I’m meeting an old work friend for lunch. I’m really looking forward to catching up with her, we’ve worked together on and off in different workplaces for the last 16 years and we have a lot of fun together. 

We’ll use our government vouchers for our lunch so it won’t cost much. The NSW government gave each person $100 in vouchers – two $25 ones for dining in a cafe or restaurant and two $25 ones for visiting any tourist attraction, so museums, events, theme parks. I have until the end of June to use them so I need to plan a visit somewhere in the next few weeks.  It’s been a really good strategy to get people out spending again after Covid restrictions eased up, great for small businesses as everyone loves a freebie.