
I really need to get back to basics with our budget. We’ve overspent small amounts but they quickly add up to large amounts. Our grocery spending has crept up again. Theres plenty of food in pantry and freezer so for the rest of the month we need to be using up food we already have.

I’m going to go back to tracking every cent and I’m going to spend some time reviewing our expenses and see where we can cut back.

Yesterday DD made a big batch of chilli. We’ve been trying to cut back on our meat consumption so we added 2 tins of beans to 1kg of beef mince. This made 3 meals for dinner last night and 10 for the freezer. She also made a batch of choc chop cookies and froze them.

One change I have made this month is to just eat breakfast and dinner, that gives me 17 – 18 hours of fasting. I’ve done five morning walks ( 1 hours) and six afternoon walks at work (15 mins) so far this month. My weight is down to 97.3 kgs so I’m really pleased with that, I’m down 2.6kgs (6lbs) so far.

Tonight I’ll do a bit of a stocktake of whats in the freezer so I can plan ahead. I don’t really like menu planning but its a habit that would help I think.

Are you a menu planner? Do you find you stick to the plan?

Animal Rescue cuteness

As you know Australia has had a catastrophic bushfire season resulting in unprecedented loss of wildlife. Wildlife rescuers put out a call for various handcrafted items to help them care for the animals and the whole world swung into action, with thousands of items being sent to Australia from all over the world.

I will admit that there were some days I cried at the devastating scenes on the news – many Australians felt abandoned by our government, while everyday Australians worked tirelessly, in all sorts of volunteer roles, to fight fires, save people and save animals. After the call for craft help went out there were days I cried at the kindness of strangers all over the planet who sent so much help that its now no longer needed. Believe me, Australians are truly grateful.

My small part was to sew for my local animal rescue, batwraps, joey pouches and hanging bags. The batwraps have a little pillow at one end so the baby can cling to it like it would its mother, then they are wrapped up like a burritto.

 I’ve put a few short videos below where you will see some craft items being used and see some of our very cute Australian animals.

OMG – Blue Ridge Beauty

I’m determined to spend more time doing the things I enjoy this year, and sewing would have to be at the top very of the my list of how I like to spend my time. My sewing room is full to the brim and theres quite a few WIPs (works in progress) and UFO’s (unfinished objects) waiting for my attention.

I’m joining up with Elm St Quilts One Month Challenge with a goal of finishing piecing the top of Blue Ridge Beauty, a Bonnie Hunter quilt from her book Adventures with Leaders & Enders.

I started this early last year but its been packed away for months now. So I unpacked it and heres what I’ve done so far.

I’ve got 190 x 4 patches pieced and trimmed, not even half the number I need!

I’ve got 270 untrimmed half square triangles, so a bit over half done.

I’ve been working on some batwraps and joey bags this morning. Hoping to get them done by Monday and then I can get to work on this quilt top.