RSc- Blue & 3 months of retirement!

 It three months since I retired and I certainly feel better, sleep better and feel more content than I can ever remember feeling feeling before.  

The last three months I’ve really just done whatever I felt like each day. Most days that’s some sewing, or watching a TV series, going for a walk and doing a bit of decluttering.  What I love most is that there are no deadlines to meet and no morning rush to get things done before leaving the house – my time is my own!

DH retires at the end of next week and we have a small trip away planned in a few weeks and a longer holiday to Tasmania planned for November to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary as we visited Tassie for our honeymoon, so we’re going to have some fun and revisit the places again. I’m really looking forward to it!

I am feeling like I want to have a bit more routine, which will be easier to plan once DH has left work. I also might go back to some sort of monthly goals as keeping monthly progress reports over the last five years really helped me to keep on track. Now I’d just be tracking different things like renovations, gardening and sewing projects.

 I’ve done my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for June in blue:

I also had these blue four patches,

so sewed them together into a centre square and put a dark blue border


I cut more 4″ squares from some pale blue scraps and some striped fabric and after joining them cut it diagonally to give me four triangles

I joined the triangles to the centre square, then added two more borders to brighten it up and get it to the right size for a donation quilt

So thats one more top finished, added to the ‘to be quilted’ pile.I think I’ll use dark blue binding.  I really enjoy playing with scraps and making up blocks or tops without a pattern.  

Well, its a beautiful winters day here with the sun out and a perfect blue sky. I’m off to have a walk and then I need to do some decluttering in my sewing room and sort out my sewing projects. 

Linking up to SoScrappy and Quilting is more fun than housework.

7 thoughts on “RSc- Blue & 3 months of retirement!

  1. Your donation quilt is darling. I would never have thought of making 4 patches ointo a quilt and cutting it into triangles. It looks great. I get a big kick out of seeing fabric in other's quilts that I actually have — I've got those owls on a white background… or at looks like it to me. Great job on this cute quilt.

  2. How lovely your quilt top is. Isn't retirement fabulous?? It sounds as if you are having a splendid time. So you are coming to 'The Apple Isle' for a holiday. November is a lovely time to visit. You will have the best time as you travel around. Tassie, truly is a little piece of heaven on earth.

  3. Yes, retirement is even better than I thought, loving it! It will be lovely to revisit Tassie and see how its changed, such a pretty place to visit.

  4. Welcome to requirement. We always had the alarm clock set at 5.30am when we were working and it took us quite some time to stop waking up so early. Enjoy your trip to Tassie. We went there some years ago, from New Zealand for a holiday, it's a beautiful place. I love the idea how you cut your piece into triangles to use in the baby quilt, I must remember that for the future!

  5. Your quilt and the blue quilt pieces are gorgeous. I have been retired 10 years, after 40 years of work it is a joy and I can see you are enjoying your retirement too.

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