RSC – I found a bag of pink scraps!

 I was up early on Saturday and while looking for something else ( I’ve forgotten what now lol!)  in my sewing room, I found a shopping bag full of pink scraps. 

Well, given that pink is the colour for this months Rainbow Scrap Challenge  I thought might be useful, but when I tipped it out I found much more than scraps in the bag. There was:

lots of different width strips:

16 rows of 5 joined 5″ squares:

13 rows of 5 joined 10″x 8″ rectangles:

and some small off-cut pieces of different sizes and patterns.

Quite the find! Clearly I had started a pink quilt many years ago and forgotten all about it. So I decided that using up this bag of scraps & the unfinished blocks will be my challenge for the rest of the month.

I spent some time playing about on the design wall to see what I could come up with. Did I mention how much I love having a design wall taped up in the family room? Honestly it just makes sewing so much more fun and creative when you can look at different combinations over time and play around on the wall instead of trying to lay out blocks on the bed.

I joined the 5″ block sets together, added some strips to the sides. Then I cut one of the wider sets of blocks in half to add another side strip & bring up to the right size:

Then I took the joined large rectangle block strips and cut them in half to make 4 inch wide strips. I joined half of these strips into one quilt top:

and I have the other half, plus all the strips and the off-cuts still left to use up. 

 I really enjoyed working on this unexpected pink project and it will give me some simple quilt tops to practice my quilting on as well as some quilts to donate.

Other than sewing it’s pretty quiet here. We used to catch up with all the family for Easter but we’re still being careful about Covid so we’ll be staying home again for Easter this year & visiting via zoom. Happy Easter & happy scrapping to those that sew.

Linking up with SoScrappy and OhScrap if you’re looking for some scrappy inspiration.

Sweet Dreams & new quilt plans

 I’ve had a nice few days of sewing, getting caught up with my Sweet Dreams blocks and making plans for new quilts to sew. 

Block 11 – I made these with a pop of orange in the centre. I need to add another border strip around this but I’m still deciding on what fabric to use for the border.

Block 12 

Block 13 – It’s a simple basket but gosh I had to do a lot of unpicking and resewing with this block to get it right. Now that it’s finished I think the orange instead of the floral would be a better contrast but it will do as it is.

Block 14

I feel like I’m slowly starting to get into new routines now and having more energy to get things done is a lovely way to start the day after years of just feeling exhausted a lot of the time. Its amazing what a good nights sleep can do.

Yesterday I mowed the lawn which took me almost an hour and I really enjoyed it! Being outside in the sunshine instead of sitting in an office under a flourescent light looking at a computer all day is just wonderful!

DH is still at home resting after his surgery a few weeks ago and so he can’t do anything around the house at the moment. Last week he saw the surgeon who is thinking of taking him back for more surgery, we will know more after his next appointment next week. He has only 10 weeks until he retires so he may not be back at work for much of it.

I’ve been looking at lots of quilt patterns this week and have decided on my next quilt, its the  pattern Summer in the Country. I’ll use this fat quarter bundle – Cherry Lemonade – and some fabrics from my stash as well, so thats what I’m playing with at the moment.

Then this morning I saw some posts about Moda Blockheads 4 and it looks like a fun challenge. So I’m going to make a scrappy version of that. I love sampler quilts as there’s so many interesting blocks to make and I really need to reduce my scraps so this looks like fun.

Whats on my sewing table right now? I’m about to start work on Summer in the Country as soon as I finish this post.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge -Pink

The colour for Aprils Rainbow Scrap Challenge is pink and I have a lot of pink in my scrap bins. I’ve made some more blocks for my Carolina Chain Quilt.

Blocks with dark centres…


Blocks with light centres…

The last week I haven’t done a lot of sewing as I’ve been decluttering around the house and folding more fabric onto comic book boards. Almost all the fabric is sorted now and it certainly helps me see what needs to be used up and what colours I have plenty of.  
I’ve started walking again in the mornings & this is the view on the path I’ve been walking this last week. The trees are all starting to change colour and the weather is perfect. It’s so nice to not have to rush back home to get to work on time anymore. I can leave a bit later and just take as long as I like – retirement is good!

Linking up to So Scrappy  & Quilting is more fun than housework.