this and that

Another Monday rolls around again and this week I will have a much quieter week at work as its holiday time for the students. For me it will give me a chance to get a lot of paperwork done so it should be a good week.

On the money front –

I have automatic payments set up to pay my rates and its always worked well until now. They have changed the BPay number and so I need to find out where my payments have been going for the last few months! Its $383 that is not showing up as being paid.

I’ve stopped using the credit card for grocery shopping and am starting to transfer some of my regular payments from the credit card over to my everyday account. By the end of they year I want to be not using it all and have a balance of $0.

Right now I’m preparing our paperwork for the accountant. I’m just waiting on my group certificate which I should get this week. I expect a big tax cheque this year which will all go towards debt reduction.

… plodding along!

Super funds

I’ve been busy doing financial paperwork today. I used to manage my own retirement funds but I’m in the process of rolling them over into a new super fund. So this morning I completed the final forms and then went down to the bank to organise the rollover cheques.

To Do:

  • Finalise superanuation rollover
  • Change paypal funds from credit card to bank account
  • Do new YNAB budget for 2018