So far no coronovirus & no working from home for me.

Well DH started working from home today. His office has closed until further notice with all staff to work from home. I’m impressed with how his workplace has handled it all. Quite a few other businesses in town have closed and many parents are keeping their children out of school.

My workplace, as its government, is slower off the mark. We have this ridiculous 1.5 metre social distancing rule – yeah- has anyone ever seen a group of teenagers?  The idea that teachers can keep kids 1.5 m apart in a classroom is ludicrous! And  they all sit next to each other in the breaks anyway.

I think the government is trying to keep schools, TAFE’s and universities open for the next three weeks until end of term and then they might shut them down for a longer holiday period. It’s frustrating though, and stressful. So I don’t have permission to work from home yet.

I am also considering quitting my second job, which is in a building filled with teenagers. I will discuss it with them this week. As much as I like the extra money, as someone with several auto-immune disorders I think my health is more important at the moment. So thats the next decision I have to make.

So far in our town there re no confirmed cases. The hospital has set up an infectious ward in a separate building to the main hospital and a testing clinic.

Kim from Out My Window is running a challenge to keep us all occupied and producitive. I’m trying to think of what I can do for tomorrow, which is good as it’s already distracting me 🙂

Interesting times!

How quickly things change. Watching the coronavirus spread around the world and seeing different peoples, and countries, reactions feels a bit surreal.

Here in Australia we’re getting a slow response from government, much too slow and confusing, conflicting messages.

I’d be happy to go into lockdown but unless the whole family does it there is not much point. DD and I both have illnesses that make us more susceptible so its quite a worrying time. I am really hoping that our workplaces shut down soon.

Last week I had two days off work with a cough and cold. I had been to a meeting where someone later had to be isolated for possible exposure. Fortunately their test came back negative. We’re going into the cold and flu season here so its that time of year when everyone starts coughing and sneezing.

A friend of ours flew to the US yesterday. They don’t seem to worried but l think he’s really taking a big risk and have told DH he will have to stop socialising for while with him when he returns.

We had done some extra shopping to top up our stockpile. There is no toilet paper in the shops, people were shopping in masks and gloves. Rice, flour, pasta, tissues, baby wipes and paper towel, mince meat, are all limited to two items.  This morning I’ve heard that some supermarkets are now cancelling online shopping order deliveries. I’m glad that keeping a well stocked pantry is just routine here.

Financially- I moved some money and bought $5,000 of VAS for $64.30 ( An Aussie index EFT) and will buy some VGS ( US index EFT) at some point.  I plan on continuing investing the same amount as usual.

take care everyone xx

Back to YNAB Budgeting

Well I’ve had a really good morning doing our new budget. I feel like I’ve spring-cleaned’ the finances and I’m ready to knuckle down and go hard on the mortgage payoff again.

I have gone back to using YNAB for budgeting. I can see how my spending has crept up over the last six months or so and while the credit card was always paid off in full every month, it was too easy to just spend a little extra here, there and eventually everywhere.  I think using YNAB will get me back on track.

I’m also going to stop using the credit card! By using the card we would delay payment and that money would sit in our offset account longer – lowering the interest. But I’ve paid it down to $0 this morning and don’t plan on using it unless we are travelling or its an emergency.

Speaking of travelling, we have cancelled our cruise for the end of the year. We did lose some money but as someone with several health conditions, I am not willing to risk travelling until the coronavirus is a bit more understood and under control. I think we’ll just sit out overseas travel this year.

We’ve got the craziest stockpiling of toilet paper going on in Australia at the moment! People fighting over it, one man getting tasered and all the supermarket aisles are empty. I’m not sure why its toilet paper. I bought a 32 pkt last week for .22 cents a roll because it was on special – (which is when I always buy it). Our pantry and freezer is all full so no need to buy anything extra at the moment.

Are people panicking about Coronavirus where you live? Are they stockpiling anything?