September/October Progress Report

Time for an update on the finances for the last two months. We spent a month away on holidays (was wonderful!) and DH is now working part time. Heres the numbers:


  • $135,595 down from $142,369
  • $15,551  redraw down from $17,789
  • total mortgage reduction $6,774

Retirement Savings
The market is down lately so our balance is lower, however its a good time to be adding funds so I have been putting $100/week into super after tax.

  • mine $108,226  
  • $274,000 
  • total $382,226
  • total decrease  $10,885


  • $80 CC points
  • $61.01 savings
  • $141.01 savings

Unfortunately I am back at the weight I was at the start of the year. I’ve slipped back into bad habits and its showing on the scales. So I have to get back on track fast. I’ve started walking again most mornings which has been lovely. I am very tired from work even though I’ve only been back a few weeks so not a whole lot of energy for other things that need doing.
to do:  mammogram & wisdom tooth X-Ray

Well…  I came back to find several more of our team have left. We now have four people doing the job that 12 used to do.The workload is ridiculous however my manager has been great. There is extra pressure to take on a ridiculous workload – there is already tension as I have refused to do more than I am currently doing. My extra job has now been reduced to about half the hours, while I’ll miss the work and the income, it will be nice to work less.

I’ve started work on cleaning up the gardens – its going to take quite a while as I do about a half hour most days and our yard is big, the garden a real mess. My compost bins arrived and I’ve planted some herbs in pots. Inside its just more gradual decluttering and tidying when I have the time.