I’ve just transferred extra money off the mortgage for this month and that has taken us to a new milestone – the end of Year 13 on the mortgage amoratisation table.
Our new mortgage balance is now $144,285.
and in other news…
DH has been called to a meeting today to discuss his job. There are two possible outcomes – 1 is that he is made part-time, we had been advised they were considering this earlier in the year and 2 is that he gets laid off – two people have lost their jobs last week.
Without going in to all the details I’ll just say that there has been a deliberate downgrading of his position in order to say it is no needed. His job has effectively been changed from management to clerical and its been a very frustrating few years watching this happen. Prior to this ‘management’ he really enjoyed his work and colleagues. They’ve gradually got rid of almost all the senior staff that used to work there with the same process so its not a very happy or rewarding workplace anymore. It’s the same as what is happening in my workplace – slash and burn and get rid of all the more experienced staff.
Anyway, it certainly puts a bloody great spanner in my five year retirement plan whichever way it goes. But at least by the end of the day we’ll know exactly what our new financial situation will be so we can make some changes. It might just be that DH becomes ‘semi-retired’ overnight -then I can put him to work around the house!