RSC, Owl & Hare Hollow.

I’ve been plodding along with the embroideries from the Owl & Hare Hollow quilt and this week I finished this one.  I am enjoying doing embroidery again and I want to get these all finished before Christmas.  I had not tried EPP before and didn’t really enjoy it so I am probably going to change some of the blocks to avoid it.

I had heaps of 1.5″ yellow scraps so I’ve made lot of 2 patches. I might use them for a postage stamp quilt or an Irish Chain, not sure yet.

Made a few more of these blocks.

We spent three days this week out in the garden, clearing away overgrown shrubs, pruning trees and taking rubbish to the dump. It looks much better now but still lots more to do in our very overgrown garden this week. The weather has been lovely for working outside, cool in the mornings and 17 -19C by mid-morning.

This week I want to start making the Owl & Hare Hollow blocks, sew my aqua scraps, finish two donation quilts and declutter my pantry.

Linking up with SoScrappy, Oh Scrap & Kathys Quilts


This weeks sewing: RSC & quilt blocks.

This months Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour is yellow so I emptied my 2″ and 3.5″ bins of yellows and neutrals. I ended up sewing 19 of these larger blocks

and then I made some disappearing nine patch blocks from the 3.5″ strips. It’s one of my favourite blocks to make. I might add a cross through the centre, not sure what I will use them for but I really like how they turned out.

I also started another donation quilt using some fat quarters and a piece of grey spotted fabric from the stash.

Mostly this week I’ve been unpacking from our holiday, catching up on the laundry and re-adjusting to the colder weather. It’s nice to be back home and I’m planning on getting into the garden next week. The spring blossoms are already out on the trees and some of my bulbs are starting to flower so plenty of work to do outside over the coming weeks.

Linking up to Soscrappy


Hello and welcome to my new blog address, mostly about sewing and retired life. My old site at blogger was no longer viable as I was unable to fix the problems with posting and commenting on blogs including my own. So now that I’ve had a few months break I’ve decided to restart my blog on my own domain.

Heres a quick update of what we’ve been up to over the last few months.

We’ve mostly been busy doing lots of work around the house. We knocked down a wall between DD’s room and my old sewing room to make a larger room for her. We’ve installed new wardrobes, almost finished the gyprocking and just need to get some shelving installed and then finish the painting.

DS’s old bedroom was repainted and its now my new sewing room!  I have more room – it’s still stuffed to the gills with fabric! – and will have a lovely view over the garden eventually.  I’ve moved all my fabric in and its also storage for stuff out of DD’s room while we finish it so I’m looking forward to getting it all set up just for sewing soon.

I’ve also spent some time with DS as he had to have surgery and needed some help at home. It was so nice to just spend time together after the few years of covid restrictions and not having to rush home for work after our visits now that we are not working. He’s doing well now and back at work. We have put a new kitchen in his unit which was sorely needed – it looks great – next up is updating the bathroom.

One the sewing front I’ve been making some lap quilts for donation and I’ll post some pics of  those shortly. I also started the Owl and Hare Hollow quilt embroidery squares which I’m enjoying – I’m a bit behind with this along with the other Block of the Months I had planned for this year but its all good. I will get some photos up later once I’ve had time to work out this new blog. 

On the travel front we’ve just got back from a month in the warmer weather of Queensland. Such a beautiful place and I was able to spend time tracking down some of my family history while I was away.. It was nice to get away from the cold and we have both returned feeling rested and ready to get back into the house and yard work. I’m ready to get back to my sewing & blogging and am hoping to start volunteering in the next few weeks helping students with speaking literacy and conversational English.

Well thats all for the moment, its nice to be back!

