Homeward Bound

One of this years goals is to keep up with my BOM – Homeward Bound from The Quilt Show. Its a Sarah Fielke design and I had already signed up for her usual BOM and have a few others still waiting to be finished. But now that I’m retired I have no excuse!  I am using mostly Tula Pink fabrics  for this project.
I spent New Years day working on part of the first block, the little cabin in the centre of the quilt.


For Christmas I was given some lovely fabrics and a Spotlight card, I especially love the watercolour flowers. So a bit more added to the stash.


Karen Brown from Just Get it Done is one of my favourite YouTubers and she is doing a 21 day sewing room declutter challenge. Each day is a different task and I found it good last year so I am doing that again. Most of my sewing room is sorted so this years its going to be much less work. Having a scrap system has helped and I had already made lists of UFO’s and WIPs that need attention.

Like a lot of others my goal this year is to only buy fabric needed to complete a specific project and really sew down my stash and scraps this year. Right now I’m working on my RSC blocks – Januarys colour is blue which is good as I have heaps of it!
Best wishes to you for the New Year and for 2023.