Hospital trips and tax refunds

 We’ve spent the last few days making trips back and forth to the hospital. Last week DH had a problem with his hand that ended up with us making two trips to the ER late at night. Since then he has been admitted to ‘ambulatory care’ or hospital in the home, which means he goes to hospital twice a day for treatment, which sometimes takes a couple of hours, and then returns home. 

Yesterday he had more scans and discussions with the orthopaedic surgeon. Initially they planned surgery for today but last night they decided to wait another 24 hours to see if his hand improves, as they would prefer not to have to operate. So its a day by day process at the minute. 

I’ve taken a few days off work to drive him to and fro as my work is quiet at the moment. Hopefully it all resolves soon and surgery isn’t needed. I think it will put DH out of action for a while so plans for painting and work around the yard will be slowed down. 

In other good news we submitted our tax returns yesterday. Our refund was not quite as big as I had hoped but its still a substantial amount, so there will be some extra to go off the mortgage in a few weeks. 

September Progress Report

 Its been a quiet month here. Just plodding along and making progress on the mortgage.


We had another good month of spending very little and making good progress on the mortgage payoff. Next payday we will reach the 60’s!!

  • current balance: $70,595
  • down from: $76,393
  • total reduction: $5,798


  • me: $167,542
  • DH: $340,918
  • total: $508,460
  • total decrease: $163
Its been very quiet at work which has been nice. I’m still not seeing clients face to face and working via telehealth which will probably continue until the end of the year.
No major work done at home this month. DH hurt his hand and had a trip to the ER. Its still very painful so he’s unable to do much around the place. 
My initial good weight loss has stalled for the last two weeks so I need to up the exercise. Fortunately my blood sugar readings continue to be in the normal range. 
September has been just a quiet month all round, with lots of time to think about changes I want to make and plans for 2021. We’re still only going to work and to get the groceries even though numbers are way down. In our state we have now had 7 days with no new community cases and restrictions are slowly easing. People can now stand and drink in pubs and clubs, wedding parties can dance now and our graduating students can have end of year events. I just hope our numbers continue to stay down. We’re feeling very fortunate here at the moment seeing what is happening around the world.
Stay safe xx