No Solar Power & The Plumber Came!

Well at last we actually got a plumber to come to the house and fix the taps! This is the fourth plumber we booked and the first one to actually show up. He was to come last week but got caught up on a job so he rang to let us know and rescheduled for yesterday. So the leaking tap and the banging pipes are now fixed. Its taken a few months but its done now and we’ll be using that plumber in the future.

We got the quotes back on the solar power from two different companies. Because we don’t use a lot of electricity, it would take 7-8 years for it to become cost effective. So after that we would be saving money. So we have decided that we aren’t going to put solar power on. Its $10-$14,000 we could spend doing other work around the house.

DH has decided to take leave when I am off in a few weeks so we’re planning another big week of work around the house – more cleaning out of gardens and more painting, decluttering so I’m really looking forward to that.

March Progress Report

In March we’ve been plodding along with payments and savings. I can see that I’ve got back in the habit of spending small amounts here and there that add up.


  • $123,676 down from $127,992
  • mortgage reduction $4,316
Retirement Savings
  • mine $125,112
  • DH $301,314
  • total savings $426,426
  • total increase $14,166
I haven’t walked the last two weeks as its still dark out at 6am now and its quite cold now of a morning. I finally jumped on the scales yesterday and it was not good news! My weight is up to 97.8 kgs – too much stress eating going on. So diet and exercise is high on the agenda this month for me. 
Not good, another good work friend has taken several months leave and yesterday yet another called in to my office to tell me they are leaving soon. I took some time off in March and have more time off in a few weeks. 
I’ve started making plans for how I can do some work online next year and am about to start a group course to learn about online business set ups. With the Liberal government winning our state elections the chances of redundancy are higher for me – they just want to privatise everything unfortunately.
Where I am temporarily located at work I don’t have easy access to a kitchen so I have got back in the habit of buying a coffee 2-3 days a week and chocolate bar or pkt of chips now and again, something I haven’t done for a very, very long time – suddenly there is $20 – $30 a week just wasted. So that stops today – I’ll fill up a thermos to take from now on. 
I did a bit more decluttering and have a few more bags to go to the op shop. We’ve got the walls in the lounge/dining room prepped and ready to paint. The dining room will become my new office so I can work online. Last weekend after all the rain here we weeded one of the garden beds. The last few days I’ve been doing some extra cooking for the freezer – bone broth, soup, muffins and meals. We got quotes for solar power but haven’t made a decision yet. We’re still waiting on a plumber to come & fix the taps.