Busy, busy, busy!

Its 2 am here and I’m just sitting watching CNN, eating a roast beef sandwich, decompressing from a very busy day!

Australia has now closed its borders.I was surprised our government actually did this but I think its a good move. We now have a confirmed case in our town.

They are still insisting schools stay open though. The Catholic education system had made the decision to close schools but then the prime minister intervened to prevent that unfortunately.

There were meeting yesterday, and there is another one today to discuss staff working from home. I spent yesterday contacting my clients and setting up phone/video appointments, copying files that I will need and sorting paper files that I’ll need to take home, attending meetings (all online) and doing some training.

After work I did my second job via Zoom, instead of face to face as that organisation has already shut down and is working from home now. The person I was working with yesterday hasn’t done any tele-health work so we spent most of our time planning for that. I had discussed me leaving but as they are now also working from home we’ve decided I will keep working.

By the end of the day I was really tired, but I actually had a good day as I was busy and productive, I feel good when I can help people and at the moment my experience with tele-health & teaching is useful for many people who don’t use technology everyday in their workplace.

So I’ve had a few hours sleep and today I have more training, phone/video consults. I’m really hoping we get the ‘work from home’ go ahead for next week.

In other news we had busloads of people come into our town and raid the three supermarkets – then they moved on to two other towns nearby and raided them. They hired a bus, drove 3-4 hours to panic buy out our town and its infuriating to see people so greedy! I had read about this happening in another state but never expected it would happen here. Its interesting how differently people can respond to a crisis, some with kindness and others with selfishness. I do believe that kindness wins out in the end.

6 thoughts on “Busy, busy, busy!

  1. It is ridiculous the way people are hoarding. IT is one thing to stock up for a month but to hoard, and then some are trying to resell things on Amazon at high prices.

  2. OMG that is so disgusting that people are going to the point of hiring buses to raid country supermarkets. WTF is wrong with people? I am assuming these are people hoping to profit from reselling rather than doing so for self preservation. It makes me despair for humanity.

  3. I forgot to do my challenge but I'll do it on the weekend. I'm the same Linda, I like reading about whats happening for people in different places. Having the internet and bloggers to follow is going to help in the coming months.

  4. Its just total greed – and its making hard for elderly & low income folk miss out. I saw that some small town shops are now hiring security guards & selling to locals only. I think in times like this you get see peoples true character.

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