Sunday musings & walking pics

I am feeling much more positive today.  Had a lovely day pottering about the house and got a lot done.

Yesterday I found this post – “Do You Hate Your Job But Have to Stick to it? by BusyMom, who is also on a five year journey to retirement. It was a really good summary of how I was feeling and helped me get focused again – I need to just show up and stick to my plan.

Frugal in Instanbul is also planning to retire at the same time as me. I’m really pleased to have bloggers with a similar goal and time frame – that will make the next few years a bit easier – a shared journey!

Some photos from this mornings walk.

We have bushfires in the local area, in fact as I’ve been writing this evacuation warnings came over the TV for an area about half and hour away, so there is a lot of smoke about. We are fine here but as we walked past the fire station there were three engines there and lots of firemen arriving. Its dark when we leave and the sky this morning was like something out of a movie – you can see the moon up there on the left and the whole sky was just black with clouds.

Our walk takes us through the cemetery I took this about an hour after the first pic – a lovely pink sunrise and a cloud filled sky.

… and I had to snap the wisteria,  its tumbles over a very long fence and smells divine when we walk past it,  probably won’t be flowering for much longer though.

Today we were going to take a load of garden rubbish to the dump and move our piano back from a friends house but its just started rain so thats not going to happen. Good news for the bushfires though. So I might get some sewing done today and a bit more work decluttering the lounge room.

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