Pottering about the house…

 How time flies when you’re having fun! I’ve been happily pottering about the house these last two weeks and really enjoying my time off work. 

Its nice to have all the washing done, dried, folded and put away all in the one day. To sit and enjoy a cup of tea with the cat in the sunshine, read a book and just do things without feeling rushed or too tired. The first week I napped almost every afternoon. The second week no naps and sleeping a good 7-8 hours a night. Not working agrees with me 🙂 

So far I’ve cleaned the pantry and got rid of some old pots and pans. I ordered a new set which should arrive today. Original price was $599 and I paid $199 so a good bargain. I defrosted our chest freezer. If anyone has ideas on how to organise it so food doesn’t get ‘lost’ in the bottom I’d love to hear them. 

I’ve tidied up two bedrooms, sorted lots of clothes, some have gone to the op shop, others I cut up for rags. This coming week I am planning on getting the lounge room, laundry and sewing room done. I probably won’t get around to painting but getting the spring cleaning done feels good, its will be nice to have the whole house clean and organised before I go back to work.

Do you enjoy just pottering about the house? Do you have any ideas to organise a chest freezer?

6 thoughts on “Pottering about the house…

  1. We use the cheaper shopping bags to separate meats for the freezer – one for chicken, one for ground beef, etc. and that helps bunches. I don't like chest freezers but know they're cheaper to run!

  2. I keep all older meats and things in the freezer in the house, then when it is empty I go to chest and pull out what needs to be used next. It seams the easiest.

  3. that might work, different colours for different foods. I agree, they are much cheaper to run but more difficult to manage!

  4. Its getting to be that time of year – time to "potter" because we can't go out. Cleaning up, decorating for the holidays – or just sitting down with a nice cup of coffee and reading a book

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