All I want for Christmas… (liberty fabrics & walking again!)


A belated Merry Christmas to everyone! We had a lovely relaxing day with family yesterday. DH’s mum had been in hospital for some urgent, unplanned surgery in the two weeks prior so it was nice to have her home and on the mend.

Well December did not go as planned. Unfortunately I have spent the last month dealing with a very bad flare up of arthritis, mostly in my ankles & wrists, and I am only just able to walk about a bit better the last two days. So needless to say I did no Christmas decorating, no sewing at all and a lot of watching TV – finally watched all five seasons of Poldark! But today I am finally up and walking and feeling able to sew and generally get moving again.

I was given some really beautiful fabrics for my birthday and for Christmas by DD.

These two for my birthday.


and this gorgeous Strawberry Thief bundle for Christmas!

“Strawberry Thief is one of William Morris’s most popular repeating designs for textiles. It takes as its subject the thrushes that Morris found stealing fruit in his kitchen garden of his countryside home, Kelmscott Manor, in Oxfordshire” (Wikipedia)

Sarah Fielke is doing a beautiful quilt -“Stop Thief’ inspired by Strawberry Thief fabrics so since I was given the fabrics I had no excuse not to buy the pattern so that will be one of my quilts for 2024.

On the home front we finally got on to a good tradesman who came and built two walls of bookcases in DDs room in just 4 days! Such a relief after so long and I’ll happily get him back in the future. Now it needs painting to DH is working on that this week.

This week ahead I’m packing up some donations, making my sewing lists for 2024 and setting up my planner. I’m hoping for big things around the house this year, lots of quilt finishes ( finally), more regular blogging  and a great holiday/cruise in August.

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

William Morris.

Homeward Bound

One of this years goals is to keep up with my BOM – Homeward Bound from The Quilt Show. Its a Sarah Fielke design and I had already signed up for her usual BOM and have a few others still waiting to be finished. But now that I’m retired I have no excuse!  I am using mostly Tula Pink fabrics  for this project.
I spent New Years day working on part of the first block, the little cabin in the centre of the quilt.


For Christmas I was given some lovely fabrics and a Spotlight card, I especially love the watercolour flowers. So a bit more added to the stash.


Karen Brown from Just Get it Done is one of my favourite YouTubers and she is doing a 21 day sewing room declutter challenge. Each day is a different task and I found it good last year so I am doing that again. Most of my sewing room is sorted so this years its going to be much less work. Having a scrap system has helped and I had already made lists of UFO’s and WIPs that need attention.

Like a lot of others my goal this year is to only buy fabric needed to complete a specific project and really sew down my stash and scraps this year. Right now I’m working on my RSC blocks – Januarys colour is blue which is good as I have heaps of it!
Best wishes to you for the New Year and for 2023.